Malou Jacques

Welcome, I am Malou Jacques, I am passionate about exploring human behavior and discovering new and better ways to live a richer and more fulfilling life. With a deeper understanding of the inner workings that govern our values and beliefs, we can improve the quality of our lives.

Parallels between US President Donald Musk and pre-revolutionary French Monarchs 

Donald Trump exhibits several characteristics that resemble pre-revolutionary French monarchs, particularly in terms of governance, style and public perception. Discover more about these similarities.

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‘Inflammageing’ a Major Health Concern

'Inflammageing' is a term used to describe the chronic, low-grade inflammation that naturally increases with age; it constitutes a major risk factor for the onset and progression of various age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and frailty.

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The power of Memory: How to Use it Effectively?

Unlocking the power of memory: understanding how it works and developing strategies to improve memory and recall.

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How Can AI Help Us Fight Climate Change?

One of the world’s toughest challenges- combating climate change- is yet another area where AI has transformational potential. AI-powered tools can process huge amounts of complex data, enabling data-informed decision-making for effective climate action.

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Effective Feedback That Promotes Success Through Learning

While feedback can be a powerful tool for growth and improvement, it is essential to recognize its limitations and strive for a more differentiated and individualized approach in its application.

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New Year’s Resolutions That Will Succeed

Set goals to improve your well-being – not your wallets or waistlines

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Major Global Themes to Watch in 2025

As 2024 draws to a close, the year 2025 is set to be defined by a number of key global themes.

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In Today’s Multipolar World, what are the Geopolitical and Economic Implications of a US Transactional Foreign Policy?

A US foreign policy that emphasizes transactional relationships over alliances in a multipolar world can lead to significant shifts in international dynamics affecting the economy, security and stability of the international order.

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Optimal Decision-Making Requires Polarity Thinking

How to navigate challenges that may seem like binary choices – but aren’t. Polarity thinking is a concept that challenges “either/or” choices for the benefit of “both/AND” solutions. The most effective decisions often lie in the space between binary choices.

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How is AI Revolutionizing the Future of Cancer Care?

AI's potential in medicine is huge. Discover the fictional story of a patient that illustrates how AI will revolutionize early detection, surveillance and personalized treatment of hematological cancers.

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Wartime Leadership Lessons for Today's Business Leaders

What can corporate leaders learn from executives who served their country during wartime conflicts? Lessons from the experience of Walt Disney, Dwight Eisenhower, General George S. Patton.

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Post-Covid Turmoil and Inflation Sparked the 2024 Global Movement Against Incumbent Governments Worldwide

Incumbents everywhere are doing poorly. America just proved it is not exceptional. We see America falling in line with global patterns, mainly driven by inflation and anti-incumbency bias, that have weakened governing parties around the world.

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Suffering from Post-Election Stress Syndrome? The Impact on your Health and Well-being  

Scientific studies show that politics can be detrimental to our physical and emotional well-being, as well as to societal cohesion. Election periods generally generate collective anxiety, amplified by incessant negative news cycles and uncertainty about the future.

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The 4-day Workweek: A Boost to Productivity and Work-life Balance?

Shortening the workweek remains a controversial topic. Yet a number of successful global initiatives show a compelling case: employee well-being improved, and productivity either stayed the same or increased. Is a shorter working week the way to go for reducing stress without sacrificing productivity?

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A Transformative Strategy is needed to Turn Around China's Ailing Economy and Mitigate its Fallout on the Global Economy.

The interconnectedness of the world's economies means that the health of China's economy has major implications for Western countries in terms of geopolitical stability and trade relations, market potential and investment opportunities, as well as environmental and health initiatives.

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AI transforms the way we do science: cracking the secret code of proteins, for example

The 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded on Wednesday October 9, 2024, to three scientists for discoveries that show the potential of advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, to predict the shape of proteins, and invent new ones.

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Ozempic the new ‘Miracle’ Weight-Loss drug: a Game Changer for Obesity/Overweight

Obesity and overweight are major health issues in the United States. The groundbreaking discovery of new weight-loss drugs is transforming the perception of obesity and its treatment. Stigma is gradually giving way to the concept of obesity as a treatable chronic disease.

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Brief Update: High Inflation, High Interest Rates, but no Recession and a “Soft Landing” Ahead

In September, employment figures confirmed the strength of the economy, with 104,000 more jobs than forecast, and fears of a recession faded: “The general direction of US employment indicates that the economy is a long way from recession,” wrote Paul Donovan, chief economist at UBS, in a note published in Fortune on Monday, October 7, 2024.

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The Pros and Cons of AI in Healthcare: the Latest Thinking

AI-powered tools are transforming the healthcare sector and have already entered mainstream medical practice, to become a reality in many medical fields and specialties. Yet, as with any innovation, there are clear benefits, but also uncertainties and risks.

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Why do we crave junk food — and what can we do to adopt healthier eating habits?

The craving for junk food is driven by ingredients that activate the brain's pleasure centers.

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100 th Post: The 'Joyful Warrior' Mindset: A Powerful Blueprint for Success in Life and Effective Leadership.

Being a ‘joyful warrior’ is not only a great way to conceive of leadership, but also an effective mindset for successfully dealing with the challenges of personal and professional life.

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Brief update: When women's rights and educational prospects hit a new low!

The Taliban's hard line on gender discrimination has grown even tougher since their ouster from power in 2001. Women rights and educational prospects hit an all-time new low.

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Falling Birth Rates: Mixed Feelings about Parenthood among Millennials

Today's society encourages people to devote their 20s on journeys of personal and professional self-discovery and self-fulfillment. Children are seen as a bonus, a milestone to be reached after a long list of achievements: getting a degree, forging a satisfying and well-established career, buying a house, cultivating the ideal romantic partnership.

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Update on early-onset cancer in young adults: new evidence using machine learning suggests a link between early-onset colorectal cancer and processed foods via the gut microbiome

A recent study investigated the relationship between diet and the gut microbiome in patients with early-onset colorectal cancer, average-onset colorectal cancer and cancer-free or control patients, using machine learning (ML) classifier model software. 

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Enhance your Decision-Making: Outsmart Cognitive Biases and Fallacies

When faced with a decision, it's essential to recognize that cognitive biases, known as “flawed thinking”, can cloud logical reasoning. Whether the decision is professional or personal, acknowledging these mental traps is the first step towards clear thinking. 

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On the Difficulty to Retire as We Age: e.g. Joe Biden

The art of letting go is a transformative journey, a testament to our resilience and our capacity to find closure in the chapters of our lives. As we navigate the delicate balance between what was and what can be, “letting go” creates space for new beginnings with the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

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On creative destruction: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”– Peter Drucker

Sometimes, bold and proactive actions are what it takes to fundamentally redefine and transform the present for a better tomorrow, whether in business, in our personal lives or in politics.

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Generative AI in Pharma: 5 ‘high-impact’ use cases for Gen AI in pharma today

From the identification of target patients using unstructured data from medical records to the generation of personalized promotional and medical texts, all the way to interactive digital sales agents and self-managed customer support, generative AI will lead to revolutionary innovations in the pharmaceutical sector.

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The Five Critical Questions to Improve your Decision-Making in Business and Life

When faced with a major opportunity or challenge in our professional or personal life, such as embarking on a new business venture, relocating to a new country or buying a home, there are 5 types of questions we should ask ourselves before moving forward.

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The Surprising Benefits of Rituals in Life and at Work to Boost our Well-Being

The power of rituals is as profound as it is underappreciated. Mainly because we live in a time-starved culture where rituals are seen as a waste of time. And yet, they improve our well-being by providing an element of predictability in the face of an uncertain future.

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Silence - Neurons on Air!

The transformative power of silence: How silence works its magic on the brain and body to enhance our mental and physical well-being, as well as our leadership effectiveness.

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A Renewed Conception of ‘Retirement’: Challenges and Opportunities

With life expectancy on the rise, the prospects of remaining in relatively good health and getting another shot at a fulfilling and rewarding life is very real as we enter this ‘new phase’ of life. The term ‘retirement’ is therefore a misnomer.

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The Early Onset of Cancer in Young Adults is linked to ‘Accelerated Aging’– Modifiable by a Healthy Lifestyle

Researchers found clues as to why certain types of cancer are on the rise in young adults: ‘accelerated aging’ – when biological age surpasses chronological age – a major risk factor for early-onset cancer.

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Discover how Generative AI is set to Transform Innovation, Growth, Productivity and Competitiveness

As generative AI becomes more widely deployed and adopted, it is set to fundamentally transform the way we do business in the future – assuming that workforce reconversion, and the inherent risks of this technology, can be mastered and controlled from the outset; the result will have a major impact on socio-economic progress.

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How to use ‘cognitive budgeting’ to prioritize proactive strategies for success in remote/hybrid work environments?

Creating a ‘cognitive budget’ – a plan to direct our energy use – can help us do 2 things: proactively direct our mental energy where we want it to go (reflection) and stop it from reactively going where we don't want it to go (rumination).

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Brexit: Did the UK commit 'economic suicide' by exiting the EU in 2016? Find out how much it has cost the British people!

One of the major events of 2016 was Brexit. This emblematic case illustrates the extent to which far-fetched initiatives led by irresponsible politicians with no long-term vision prove detrimental to a country's economy.

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The ‘culture of victimhood’: a highly effective way to manipulate reality and spread fake news

A consistent trend is emerging in today's world: the ‘culture of victimhood’ is rampant. Often perpetrated by individuals, leaders, politicians or cultural groups seeking to feed their egos and magnify their personal importance, or to justify the harm inflicted on others by invoking their moral superiority. Ultimately, this self-perception is a recipe for disaster.

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What a Growing Moral Vacuum Means for American Democracy

The breakdown of the moral framework in America has left our country in an inarticulate, self-referential moral vacuum, endangering our democracy.

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Leading in a Hostile World: Dealing with Collective Stress – and Our Own – in Times of High Tension.

Anxiety and fear have become a widely universal experience. And there is no shortage of causes: from the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic to ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, to climate change. Faced with so many uncertainties and tensions, the world's leaders are challenged to inspire and guide their people, while keeping their own insecurities in check.

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Microstress: The Hidden Threat to your Mental and Physical Well-being

Repetitive microstresses of everyday life build up in our minds, adding to each other, day after day. Their damaging effects are the result of their inability to trigger the brain's normal stress response that helps us cope. Their long-term effects can prove debilitating to our mental and physical well-being.

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Setting Boundaries: Gives us Control Over our Life, our Time, our Energy

Setting and enforcing boundaries in all our relationships is essential. It's a form of self-care: to clearly articulate guidelines/rules/limits on how we want others to behave towards us – it’s fundamental to our well-being and burnout prevention.

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Excellence Never Happens by Accident

Excellence is a prerequisite for a happy, successful, and fulfilling life. The quest for excellence may look different for each one of us, but it calls for the same set of core skills, irrespective of where we are on our life’s journey.

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‘Tipflation’: How is it changing Tipping Culture in America?

People used to tip based on performance. Now the near ubiquitous use of touch screens at places where you’d never previously thought of tipping applies enormous pressure. You shouldn’t feel guilt or misery and leave a tip for excellent service.

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How to make the transition into the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) easier for everyone?

The development and adoption of AI is profoundly transforming the future of work – not just job quality, but also how work is organized, the nature of the tasks we perform and therefore the skills that we’ll need.

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Lessons from Peter Drucker's Approach to Business Strategy in an Era of Fast-Paced Change

Today’s organizations are in constant flux. New business models are emerging, new technologies are being developed, and consumer behavior is shifting. Peter Drucker's guiding principles for successful strategy management have never been more relevant than today.

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The historic journey of women's economic emancipation since World War II - by Claudia Goldin, Nobel Prize in Economics 2023

Investigating the gender gap in the labor market, Claudia Goldin demonstrated how technological progress, the expansion of the service sector and rising education levels have led to a growing demand for female labor. Yet societal stigma, legislation and other institutional barriers have limited the effects of these factors, which continue to weigh heavily on the gender gap.

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Higher Education may Improve your Life Expectancy by as much as 10 Years in the United States

Access to education leads to greater opportunities, higher earning potential and upward mobility, especially at a time when the economy relies increasingly on highly skilled workers. Education is key to mental and physical well-being, happiness and longevity

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China is Facing its Worst Economic Crisis since the Cultural Revolution. What does a Weaker China Mean for the Rest of the World?

China and the West grow apart – China launches a strategic shift in its economic relations with the world

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What is Brain Health?: Why is it Important?

Maintaining a healthy brain all your life is an absolute priority: it's the key to mental and physical health, well-being, happiness and longevity.

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It’s time for organizations to radically rethink the employee experience

Evidence from around the world supports the value of flexibility in the workplace: it enhances work-life balance, boosts productivity and organizational results by increasing employee engagement and performance.

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What does the Future look like in a World Moving Toward a Collaborative Economy?

Discover how the growing tensions between two opposing forces – the "old economy" and the "new economy" – will shape society and businesses in the years to come.

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Barbie, a Timeless Icon of the American Dream?

Launched in 1959, the world's most famous doll - with adult features - embodies the very essence of American culture and the major social and cultural changes that have shaped over half a century of history. More than 60 years after her creation, she continues to capture our imagination.

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How you See the World – Good or Bad – Matters for your Well-being and for your Success in Life

Our basic worldviews are fundamental in shaping our self-image, ambitions, behaviors and ultimately our success in life. They have their roots in early childhood are passed on by family, the school system and society. They are often unconsciously reflected in our actions.

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Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: A Snapshot of Current Trends

From drug discovery to greater accuracy in early disease detection, diagnosis, and personalized treatment, AI could be the next game-changer in healthcare.

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A New World Emerges from the War in Ukraine – the Economic and Geopolitical Stakes

The world prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine belongs to the past.

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It’s a Woman's Prerogative to Make Decisions about her Body and her Life.

More women are following alternative paths to motherhood. Only she knows when she is physically and emotionally ready to give birth and care for a child. That final choice is deeply personal; it’s hers and no one else's.

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Discover what Research Reveals about the Biology of Happiness and How to Navigate that ‘Temporary Low’ that Comes with Middle Age

Midlife is a time of significant change and readjustment of our priorities. Themes of change include our body, our role as family provider, our career, or our ambitions, all of which are deeply relevant to our sense of meaning and purpose in life. These basic building blocks of meaning are at risk of collapsing in midlife.

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Younger Generations are Grappling with More Severe Mental Health Issues and Emotional Distress than their Elders

The significant rise in the number of adolescents and young adults battling mental health challenges may be explained by an increased awareness of mental health issues, a greater openness to seeking help, and an exceptionally stressful life context that exacerbates mental health disorders.

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Key trends that will shape the future of the world of work

How is the world of work changing? What will be the new normal? A snapshot of emerging trends affecting the workforce and the workplace should help us prepare for what’s next.

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Job Search Tips to Leave a Lasting Impression and to Stand Out

A compelling story is the key to a successful job interview. A great story takes the audience on a journey. It has a clear beginning, middle and end. You have one goal: To leave a lasting impression by candidly depicting who you are, what you value, and how these two elements fit into the larger mission of the team or organization.

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Reinspire your Life and Career with a Sabbatical: the Transformative Magic of Sabbaticals

Suddenly your work seems meaningless, you experience job fatigue, or your career is at a standstill; are you ready to quit? Or have you been laid off? Consider the benefits of taking an extended break from work.

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The Power of ‘Weak Ties’– The Value of Social Connectivity in Work and Life

Research supports the notion that casual interactions with strangers or acquaintances improve our sense of well-being in life and provide access to the kinds of connections that are conducive to career advancement.

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As "High Profile" Burnouts are on the Rise, the Stigma of Burnout is Trending Down for the Rest of Us

Burnout is highly prevalent and much talked about in the abstract, as a set of signs and symptoms. Now, with prominent names such as Ms. Ardern, Simone Biles, and Pope Benedict XVI personally connected to the subject, it becomes more real and relatable to us.

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Honoring Pioneers of Mental Health – Black History Month

Drs. Mamie and Kenneth Clark, two black scientists, studied the effects of segregation on children. Their landmark ‘Doll Test’ study persuaded the Supreme Court to overturn school segregation in 1954.

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The Middle Class is the Lifeblood of a Prosperous Society

The middle class plays a major role in our society: its purchasing power drives global economic growth, contributes to healthy democracies, and keeps the world safer. Yet, globally, we are witnessing a decline in the middle class amid growing economic inequality, increasing corruption, and rising political instability.

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Denying Access to Education Affects People, Nations and the World : the Case of Afghan Women

The tradition of patriarchy with its beliefs and values about gender division of labor has its roots in early childhood, through family, society and the school system.

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What can the World Cup Teach Business Leaders about Top Performance?

Exceptional events occur when ordinary leaders and people rise to the challenge of attempting the seemingly impossible. In so doing, they become extraordinary leaders and extraordinary people.

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There is a Growing Cultural Trend to ‘Retire’ the Concept of Retirement

People are living longer today and realize that their journey has only started after 30 years of life experience. They’re looking for opportunities to grow personally and professionally so they can leave their mark on the world.

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Now More than Ever, be the CEO and Champion of your Career

Historically, people had little need to manage their careers – they were naturally born into a career track or, until recently, relied on their company to chart their career path. But times have changed... Today, we must assume responsibility for managing our future and acquire the skills to manage ourselves and others.

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The Value of the Concept of ‘Good Enough’ in a Highly Complex World

Many of the personal, social, and environmental ills we face are rooted in our obsession with "greatness" as a value. This mindset is based on the premise that only outperformance and excellence are acceptable, when in reality they can sometimes prove irrelevant or counterproductive.

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Stalking Hubris, Before It Leads To A Fall

In a constantly evolving environment with hybrid work arrangements, the danger is real that some executives will lose touch with reality or cultural norms. A leader plagued by hubris is a major source of toxicity at work.

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Where is the Global Economy headed?

Inflationary pressures are improving, spiraling costs of living are beginning to ease - and as expected and desirable - the pace of economic growth is slowing.

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Putin’s aggression in Ukraine Echoes Hitler’s actions in the late 1930s

Historical parallels indicate that both despots used the same playbook, but the forceful and decisive interventions of the Western states suggest a very different outcome this time around.

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Is it time for the ‘American Dream’ v2.0?

The American Dream evolved to mean different things to different generations and people – though it usually includes some promise of opportunity. It is part of the American ethos and likely always will be.

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‘Quiet quitting’ is the Latest Buzzword in the Workplace

It means ditching the ‘hustle’ culture mindset. The term ‘Quiet quitting’ is a misnomer; we reframe it as ‘healthy working’ which is about restoring a healthy work-life balance

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Does Success in Business and in Life rely on Similar Strategic Approaches?

The same basic management concepts that drive business success may also be applied to make better choices in life

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Creating a Work Culture Intentionally Designed to Support an Organization's Purpose and Strategy is a Key Priority when Transitioning to a Hybrid Work Environment

Culture often receives less attention than purpose and strategy, yet it plays a huge role in an organization’s success. Culture happens – whether by design or by default – so why not design it intentionally based on how we want the organization to operate?

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How Serious is the Threat to our Democratic System today? What are the Major Challenges? What can be Done?

The current crisis of the democratic system poses a serious risk to the stability of multicultural societies as well as to free market capitalism.

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With the Current Level of Inflation, are there Signals that a Pernicious Visitor from the ‘70s and early ‘80s is Back?

There is little indication that a future recession is looming. However, skyrocketing demand and supply shortages are stretching the economy to the limit.

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Coping With the Unprecedented Challenges of Taking Care of Aging Parents

Rapidly aging populations and demographic shifts underscore the reality that aging will affect all of us personally and require care and support for those close to us.

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At Least 6 Extra Years of Higher Quality of Life for Everyone is Within Reach

It's time to set more ambitious goals for our health. It's not just about adding years to life but also adding life to years. 

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The Merits of Long-term Value Creation for All Stakeholders

It is time for capitalism to keep pace with the evolving needs of society and respond to the new ways of how the world operates. The shift from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism is not only about adjusting the metrics of success, but also about redefining the rules that govern the world.

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When Life Spirals Out of Control: Self-compassion as an Alternative to the Relentless Pursuit of Self-esteem

Why? We are more likely to develop emotional resilience by being gentle with ourselves than by boosting our ego with harsh self-criticism.

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How Can We Use The Power Of Our Intuition To Improve The Accuracy, Confidence, And Efficiency Of Our Decision-Making?

Intuition is a "special sense" – an ability to recognize patterns – that, if well developed and cultivated, can be a valuable complement to effective decision-making.

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The Consequences of Negativity Are Prevalent in Failing Relationships

Positive behaviors (words, attitudes, interactions) make a difference, but it is crucial to avoid negativity that irrevocably damages the health and sustainability of a relationship.

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The Relentless Pursuit of Success – Addiction to Success – Is Source of Dissatisfaction and Unhappiness

For many people, success is addictive, and many will sacrifice their lives and relationships to keep getting hits of success.

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The Culture of Overwork: A Distinctly American Tradition

The concept of workism is the belief that work is not only necessary for economic production but is also the centerpiece of our identity and the purpose of our lives; and that any policy to promote human well-being must always encourage more work.

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How Can We Lead with Compassion and Care while Dealing with Daily Pressures and Stress During a Crisis ?

The more compassionate we are as leaders, the deeper we connect with people and address their daily concerns, the sooner we will set the stage for business recovery and success.

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When the previous (older) version of you no longer resonates with you

The concept of outgrowing old versions of ourselves isn’t new: we grow out of old beliefs as our worldview expands; we grow out of habits or routines that no longer make sense for our lives.

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Parallels Between The Annual Cycle Of Nature And The Moments When Life Knocks Us Down

Mastering life’s challenges starts with revisiting our perception of time. We mistakenly think that our life is linear, but it is in fact cyclical and mirrors the cycle of nature.

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Discover How Persuasion Tactics Influence Human Decision-Making Almost Automatically

Have you ever wondered how persuasion works? How are salespeople, fundraisers, and politicians able to lure us into compliance – without even realizing that we’re being manipulated?

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The Benefits of Physical Activity on Preserving Cognitive Function in the Aging Brain

Preserving cognitive function, especially executive cognitive function, is key to continued independent living for seniors, as it improves mental flexibility, working memory and inhibitory control. These functions rely on neurobiological mechanisms that support the relationship between positive health behaviors and cognitive abilities.

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How Good Are We At Predicting What Will Make Us Happy In The Future?

Our imagination is not reliable in helping us to figure out what will make us happy in the future or even what has made us happy in the past. Because of logic-processing errors our brains tend to make, we misestimate our future satisfactions. However, we find ways to adapt to circumstances and create our own happiness.

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We Have the Power to Influence our Emotional Well-being in More Ways than We Realize

Have you ever wondered where your emotions come from? We have much more power over our feelings than we imagine. This awareness alone is a powerful tool to reclaim control over what is getting us down or holding us back.

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The Essential Role of a Growth Mindset and Neuroplasticity in Facilitating Lifelong Learning

The awareness that the brain is malleable and can evolve empowers anyone who makes deliberate and repeated learning efforts to rewire their brain for maximum benefit.

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Neuroplasticity: Harness the Power of Neuroplasticity for Greater Health and Well-Being at Any Age

The structures and functional capabilities of our brain are not fixed; the brain can reorganize, develop, and change in response to new experiences. A healthy lifestyle, combining diet and exercise, promotes neuroplasticity and improves our memory and cognitive performance.

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Uncovering the Mind-Body Connection: The Mind and Body Interact in Powerful Ways that Affect our Physical and Mental Health.

Mind-body interactions are a two-way street. Our mental health or distress affects our physical well-being, while our physical health or discomfort may influence our mental health.

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Does Passion Always Drive Performance and Emotional Well-Being?

We often believe that passion is an essential component of success and well-being. However, researchers differentiate between two qualitatively distinct types of passion; harmonious passion and obsessive passion, both intended to improve performance, but with opposite results.

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